If you have been in church for any length of time, you probably have heard a sermon on the “mustard seed” Kingdom of God. Found in three of the four gospels, the scripture is typically used to make the point that the Kingdom of God comes as a tiny mustard seed, and we will not see the fullness until Jesus returns. There is some element of truth to that, as Jesus triumphant return to this earth will bring a finality and totality to the increasing Kingdom. But that’s not really the point.
It’s Our Turn Now
When Jesus died on the cross, rose again, and sent his Holy Spirit to empower us here on the earth, He did everything he was going to do. Now He is seated in heaven, waiting for all things to be put under His feet. Now it is our turn to walk out what He demonstrated for us.
By leaving the Holy Spirit as a deposit of our inheritance, we have access by faith to the fullness of the Kingdom of God now. It is through Him that by faith that we can reach into this future inheritance, pulling it into our now for the purpose of establishing His kingdom on this earth. By the access granted to us by the Holy Spirit, we become the agents by which God puts all things under Jesus’ feet.
Active Faith
We never have to wonder what the will of God is. We, by faith, bring our future inheritance into the now to establish His reign and order all around us. We don’t walk around just surviving with evil, or even toiling against it. Rather we obliterate it with the goodness, mercy, justice and peace to which we believers have full access. By the power of the Holy Spirit we bring healing to the sick, set the lonely in families, bring peace and prosperity, and begin to live out the lives of our future right now. We put all things under Jesus’ feet.
We are not waiting for the fullness of the kingdom in us – rather we learn to walk in the fullness now. And this is where the constant challenge is, because every system around us says we shouldn’t be able to. But that is precisely where faith comes in. I’m not waiting anymore – I choose to walk in the fullness now by faith. “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13, NIV)
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