I remember having our first baby, Adrienne. Steve and I were still babies ourselves, so naive! We had no idea the exact mission we were embarking on. I had this neat little plan all laid out to be back at work in no time. But when I first held her, it suddenly dawned on me: here is this new little person and I have zero idea who she is. (When I think about it, Steve and I will spend our lifetimes getting to know Adrienne and her brother Addison.)
We believe that the Creator God is the designer of our children’s souls. He has packed them full of ability and personality. He has already dreamed up adventurous opportunities that will perfectly match every passion and calling within them. It’s more epic than any of us can imagine! What a joyful role I have as their mom in prepping them to discover each piece of the puzzle.
Only the Best for Our Kids
What parent doesn’t yearn for their own child to have more? We want them to find the best life possible and live it wholeheartedly. Here is a crucial key for us: the Word of God. In our house, each kid has a Bible suited to their age and preference. Every morning, we spend time individually and then together, making the Word of God a priority. Why? Because I want them to know their heavenly father. I want them to be fully introduced to their creator and benefactor. He can take them farther in life than their dad and I ever can alone.
Grab the Opportunities
The wonderful part about delving into the Bible as a family is that it fosters open communication. So many priceless conversations have sprung up as we read, even when we come to parts I admit that are baffling. The kids often invite me deeper into their inner thoughts and I feel like I am being instantly rewarded. Or, I’m empowered to reveal the heart of the Father God to them in a unique way. He is reaching through me to love and form our family. Don’t leave that joy all to their Sunday school teachers. Own it. Snuggle up with your kids and you read the Bible to them. Declare it over them at bedtime. Sing it when you hold them. Write it on their bathroom mirror.
God Backs Us Up
Parents, we have a massive role. So much rests on our shoulders but the surprise is, we are not alone. We are partners with God! These kids are extremely valuable to the one who created them so very thoughtfully, skilfully. The Bible is your personal handbook for finishing what the Lord started. YOU are called to the gratifying task of personally discipling them. I urge you, in your quest to raise them to be joyful and successful people, not to neglect the most powerful tool in your arsenal.
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